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OPEN MIC Script & Story Workshop

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is TSA's moderated forum for screenwriters to have their original, work-in-progress material read and critiqued by peers...
a TSA tradition since 1987.​​

Open Mic workshops are free and open to the public, but only TSA Members may present material.  Members can bring in a logline, a synopsis, a premise worksheet, a pitch deck, or 10-15 pages of an original script for a cold read. Each session includes the Member's presentation, followed by constructive, objective, moderated feedback from the rest of the group.


The most current schedule for TSA's Open Mic' is on our Calendar. Members can book a gig using the form below.

Non-members are invited to JOIN or RENEW and then book a gig at TSA's Open Mic.

Book a Gig at TSA's "Open Mic" 

Want to Workshop Your Material in front of other Writers?

While our meetings are open to the public and we encourage participation, only TSA Members can present material for the group to workshop.

Workshop Guidelines

  • Members must present a Logline, a Pitch, or a TSA Premise Sheet before presenting script pages. This helps people fully understand your story's characters, the obstacles they will face, and the story's themes before they read pages, which results in better feedback for you. It is worth mentioning that in TV and film production, a writer's “step deal” contract would require the writer to submit a synopsis or treatment in addition to the screenplay.

  • TSA has the right to re-assign workshop dates at its own discretion, with or without cause.

  • TSA has the right to review the Writer’s material in advance of the workshop. Failure to submit the material in a timely manner could result in forfeiture of the time slot.

  • Material must be the Writer’s own original intellectual property or be in the Public Domain.

  • We only review material that is in the narrative form. No documentaries, reality TV shows, vignettes, experimental films, commercials, industrials, or music videos. Generally, we do not accept submissions from existing TV series or films; fan films; novels; short stories; poetry; stage plays; or essays.

  • We practice and uphold professional industry standards. Workshop material is expected to adhere to proper screenplay format and be free from excessive typos, bad spelling, and bad grammar. TSA has the right to reschedule or reject the Writer’s work if it displays excessive disregard for industry standards. There are multiple resources on screenplay format and structure to be found on the internet – please take advantage of those before you present material at TSA.

  • By presenting material, the Writer absolves the Tennessee Screenwriting Association and its officers from any liability related to intellectual property. It is the Writer's responsibility to register or protect their material at their own discretion. In American copyright law, only the specific expression of an idea is legally protected. See TSA's Terms of Service to better understand your rights and Fair Use.

  • Writers may request that their Workshop session be recorded for their own usage, though a Writer’s workshop session be recorded for educational or training purposes. Should that be the case, TSA will request express permission from the Writer and the other meeting participants before the session begins.

TSA 'Open Mic' Request

Workshop Material (choose one)
Logline or Pitch
Premise Worksheet
Synopsis or Treatment
Pitch Deck
Script Pages (must have presented one of the above first)
Gig Date (1st choice) - choose 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month
Gig Date (2nd choice) - choose 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month
Do you want your Workshop session recorded? This is for the Writer's own use and will not be shared unless the Writer gives express permission to TSA to do so.
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